moose & squirrel's mp3 blog and you tube link service

Just what the Web needs--another mp3 blog. One catch: you will first have to register with, and then sign on to your account with a username and password. You might be asked to be added as my friend, which I will gladly do. Then click play to stream the mp3's. Free for 1 GB of storage and download. Give it a try, okay. mp3's will stay online only for a short period of time. Please support your favorite artists by purchasing their music and merchandise.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Hang in there with me folks. I have a learning curve at hand here. A future plan is to scan the 45 RPM in which Tina Turner appears for the first time. She is billed as "Little Ann" on an Ike Turner record on an obscure St. Louis label. The record is "Boxtop" on Tune Town 501. Blues scholar Jim O'Neal would love to get his hands on a copy. When I can congigure my ancient Dual turntable and this computer I am going to make an mp3 of it and post it here for awhile.


Friday, May 19, 2006

The epitome of cool?

You decide.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Learning Curve

There is still much work I need to put into this effort and as time permits I intend for some signficant changes in design and content. Bear with me if you will.

Boomers of a certain age and an urban upbringing usually have a deep and abiding love of soul music, even if the roots are from a southern rural perspecitve. Sam Dees made a handful of really great sides that few ever heard. Here is one of them:

Sam Dees - Lonely For You Baby

The Petrillo Ban

Old timers will remember the "Petrillo Ban" and how it affected the careers of many a great recording artist. Dinah Washington, one of my all time favorite gal singers addressed this situation with this classy little number "Record Ban Blues".

Record Ban Blues - Dinah Washington

Friday, May 12, 2006

James Burton

Millions might not know the name James Burton, but millions have heard his guitar playing. He is a true Rock & Roll pioneer and worthy of any accolades that fall his way. Some years back he cut a nifty little instrumental that featured the equally talented Ralph Mooney on pedal steel, who for years added to the Waylon Jennnings sound. Here for your listening pleasure is:

James Burton - Sneaky Strings

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My first mp3 post

Here's a rare acetate from 1976 with bare bones backing of the Hollies performing a fine little diddy called "Morine". The harmonies are what you'd expect and this one delivers without any commercial coloring. Enjoy! One catch: you will have to register with Box.Net, and then sign on to your account. You'll be asked to be added as my friend, which I will gladly do. Then click play to stream the mp3. Free for 1 GB of storage and download. Give it a try, okay. Always on the lookout for something that might work better for my purposes. We'll see what comes down the pike. For now this is what I have to offer. Things will change for the better.

Morine by The Hollies