moose & squirrel's mp3 blog and you tube link service

Just what the Web needs--another mp3 blog. One catch: you will first have to register with, and then sign on to your account with a username and password. You might be asked to be added as my friend, which I will gladly do. Then click play to stream the mp3's. Free for 1 GB of storage and download. Give it a try, okay. mp3's will stay online only for a short period of time. Please support your favorite artists by purchasing their music and merchandise.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My first mp3 post

Here's a rare acetate from 1976 with bare bones backing of the Hollies performing a fine little diddy called "Morine". The harmonies are what you'd expect and this one delivers without any commercial coloring. Enjoy! One catch: you will have to register with Box.Net, and then sign on to your account. You'll be asked to be added as my friend, which I will gladly do. Then click play to stream the mp3. Free for 1 GB of storage and download. Give it a try, okay. Always on the lookout for something that might work better for my purposes. We'll see what comes down the pike. For now this is what I have to offer. Things will change for the better.

Morine by The Hollies